Quick Start - Permission Verification

In this section, we will introduce how to perform permission verification through annotations. The first case is to verify whether the request parameters contain a parameter with the key '114514'.

Step 1: Add Maven Dependency


Step 2: Create Handler

Create a class that extends AutoAuthHandler and override the isAuthor function.

public class KeyAutoAuthHandler extends AutoAuthHandler {
   public boolean isAuthor(HttpServletRequest request, String permission) {
        // Verify if the request parameter carries a parameter with the key '114514'.
        // More complex operations can also be performed here.
       final String key = request.getParameter("key");
       // Return true if the verification is successful, false if the verification fails, which will throw a PermissionsException.
       return "114514".equals(key);

Step 3: Add Annotations

Next, add the @SimpleAuth annotation to the Controller or its functions. If added to a class, the Handler will be executed before all methods in the class.

@SimpleAuth(handler = KeyAutoAuthHandler.class)
public class MyController {

If added to a method, the Handler will be executed before the method.

public class MyController {

    @SimpleAuth(handler = AddPermissionKeyHandler.class)
    public String say(){
        return "Hello World";

Note: If you have multiple AutoAuthHandler, you can write the annotation like this:

@SimpleAuth(handler = { KeyAutoAuthHandler1.class, KeyAutoAuthHandler2.class })

The handler parameter can also be the Bean name of the Handler. These classes will perform permission checks in sequence. Alternatively, create a class that inherits AutoAuthHandlerChain and add all Handlers to this class.

public class MyHandlerChain extends AutoAuthHandlerChain {
   public void addChain() {
// Use @SimpleAuth(handlerChain = MyHandlerChain.class) when adding the annotation.

Other Cases

Use Case 1: Role-Based Permission Verification

// Add annotation to the class
@SimpleAuth(authentication = AddPermissionKeyHandler.class)
public class MyController {
   public String say(){
       return "Hello World";

   public String eat(){
       return "eat";
public class AddPermissionKeyHandler extends AutoAuthHandler {
   public boolean isAuthor(HttpServletRequest request, String permission) {
       ArrayList<String> permissions = new ArrayList<>();
       // Or query the database to add a role key for the current request
       // If the query is successful, allow it to pass
       return true;

When requesting /say, since the @SimpleAuth annotation is added to the MyController class, the SimpleAuth function in AddPermisonKeyHandler will run first. In this function, the string visitor is added to the user’s permissions, so it will pass the verification and access normally. When requesting /eat, since “vip” is not in the permission list, the request will fail, throwing a PermissionsException exception, which can be handled by global exception handling to complete the permission verification.

Use Case 2: Passing Instance Objects

// Instance used
public class User {
    String name;
    public User(String name) {this.name = name;}
    public String getName() {return name;}
// Interface
public class MyController {
    @SimpleAuth(handler = {MyFirstHandler.class, MySecondHandler.class})
    public String say(){
        return "Hello World";

// First Handler
public class MyFirstHandler extends AutoAuthHandler {
    public boolean isAuthor(HttpServletRequest request, String permission) {
        final String name = request.getParameter("name");
        final User user = new User(name);
        // Pass the instance object
        // Allow to pass
        return true;
// Second Handler
public class MySecondHandler extends AutoAuthHandler {
    public boolean is(HttpServletRequest request, String permission) {
        // Get the instance object and verify if name equals CodingCube
        final User user = getPrincipal();
        return "CodingCube".equals(user.getName());

When accessing http://localhost:8080/say?name=CodingCube, it will pass. If the parameter name is other than CodingCube, a PermissionsException exception will be thrown.