
Permission Verification Module Logging

Enable Authentication Module Logging

# StdOut: Output to the console
# jdk: Annotations provided by Java itself

After the configuration is complete and the project is started, the console will output: Auth Logging initialized using class com.codingcube.simpleauth.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl adapter.

Authentication Module Logging Explanation

SimpleAuth auth => 
    uri: /say
    handlerName: com.example.simpleauthtest.handler.MyHandler
    source: Dynamic Permission Configuration handlerChain com.example.simpleauthtest.handler.MyHandlerChain
    Required permission: vip
    Permissions to carry: [visitor]
    Principal to carry: null
    Pass or not: true
SimpleAuth auth => 
    uri: /say
    handlerName: com.example.simpleauthtest.handler.MyHandler2
    source: Dynamic Permission Configuration handlerChain com.example.simpleauthtest.handler.MyHandlerChain
    Required permission: vip
    Permissions to carry: [visitor]
    Principal to carry: null
    Pass or not: true
  • uri: The requested URI
  • handlerName: The fully qualified name of the handler processing the request
  • source: The configuration method of the handler, in this case, it is Dynamic Permission Configuration (configured dynamically through a Provider) and the handler is in MyHandlerChain
  • Required permission: The name of the required permission
  • Permissions to carry: The name of the permissions being carried
  • Principal to carry: The instance object being carried
  • Pass or not: Whether the request passed the authentication

Access Control Module Logging

Enable Access Control Module Logging

# StdOut: Output to the console
# jdk: Annotations provided by Java itself
# Whether to include the user's operation list in the log output. Default is false

After the configuration is complete and the project is started, the console will output: Limit Logging initialized using class com.codingcube.simpleauth.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl adapter.

Access Control Module Logging Explanation

SimpleAuth limit => 
    max-times: 2
    time: 1
    seconds: 60
    ban: 0
    item: /say
    signStrategic: com.codingcube.simpleauth.auth.strategic.DefaultSignStrategic
    sign: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
    source: dynamic limit
    judgeAfterReturn: false
    effectiveStrategic: com.codingcube.simpleauth.limit.strategic.DefaultEffectiveStrategic
    effective: true
    optionList: [Mon Sep 11 01:13:12 CST 2023]
    Pass or not: true
  • max-times: The maximum number of requests allowed
  • time: The number of recorded requests (including the current one)
  • seconds: The duration for which the requests are recorded
  • ban: The time period during which access is forbidden after exceeding the maximum number of requests
  • item: The name of the item subject to access control; if configured via annotation, it defaults to the interface name
  • sign: The user identifier. By default, it is the user’s IP address; in this case, it shows 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 because it’s a local access
  • source: The source of the Limit configuration (configured dynamically via a Provider in this case)
  • judgeAfterReturn: Whether the decision to record the request is made after the response is returned. If set to true, the decision to record the request can be based on the return value
  • effectiveStrategic: The class that determines whether the current request should be recorded
    • effective: Whether the request was recorded
  • optionList: The list of recorded requests. This is displayed only when simple-auth.log.show-opt-list=true is set in the SpringBoot configuration file
  • Pass or not: Whether the current request passed the access control check

Parameter Validation Module Logging

Enable Parameter Validation Module Logging

# StdOut: Output to the console
# jdk: Annotations provided by Java itself

Parameter Validation Module Logging Explanation

SimpleAuth validate => 
    validateObj: class com.codingcube.simpleauthtest.cache.MyValidate
    validateTarget: class java.lang.String
    pass or not: false
  • validateObj: The validation class
  • validateTarget: The type of the target being validated
  • pass or not: Whether the current request passed the validation

Custom Logging Module

Implement the Log interface, and add a constructor with a single String parameter.

import com.codingcube.simpleauth.logging.Log;
public class MyLog implements Log {
    public MyLog(String clazz) {
        // TODO

    public void debug(String s) {
        // TODO

    public void error(String s, Throwable e) {
        // TODO

    public void warn(String s) {
        // TODO
    // ... other methods

Configure your custom logging module.

# The parameter is the fully qualified name of the custom Log