
Annotation Parameters

public @interface SimpleLimit {
    // Maximum number of requests
    int value() default 100;
    // Record the time of requests
    int seconds() default 300;
    // Time after which access is prohibited after exceeding the limit
    int ban() default 0;
    // User identification generation strategy
    Class<? extends SignStrategic> signStrategic() default DefaultSignStrategic.class;
    // Interface identifier, each interface corresponds to multiple user request records
    String item() default "";
    // Strategy to verify whether this request is recorded
    Class<? extends EffectiveStrategic> effectiveStrategic() default DefaultEffectiveStrategic.class;
    // Whether to check if the request is recorded after the response
    boolean judgeAfterReturn() default true;
    // Rate limiting algorithm
    Class<? extends TokenLimit> tokenLimit() default CompleteLimit.class;
    // The default rejection strategy throws an exception 
    Class<? extends RejectedStratagem> rejected() default NullTarget.class;

User Identification Generation Strategy

public class MySignStrategic extends SignStrategic {
    public String sign(HttpServletRequest request, SimpleJoinPoint joinPoint) {
        return "Sign"; // Return the user identifier

Create your own class that extends SignStrategic and return the user identifier. You can register this class as a Bean if needed.

Request Record Verification Strategy

public class MyEffectiveStrategic extends EffectiveStrategic {
    public Boolean effective(HttpServletRequest request, SimpleJoinPoint joinPoint, Object result) {
        return true;

When the judgeAfterReturn parameter is true, this function will run after the interface call, and you can determine whether the request is recorded based on the result.
If judgeAfterReturn is false, it will run before the interface call, and result will be null.

Explanation of 'ban'

When 'ban' is set to 0, all actions within the specified time will be recorded, and expired records will be deleted when the next action occurs.
When 'ban' is not 0, requests exceeding the maximum limit will be recorded in the ban list, and all request records will be deleted after the ban period ends.

Custom Token Limit Algorithm

The default algorithm records all operations precisely and is represented by CompleteLimit. You can also use the token bucket algorithm TokenBucket.
You can specify the default rate limiting algorithm globally by adding the configuration simple-auth.func.limit-plan=tokenbucket, or you can implement the TokenLimit interface yourself.

public interface TokenLimit {
     * Try to acquire, return whether the operation can be successful.
    boolean tryAcquire();

     * Initialize*
     * @param limit The limit of the number of times to limit
     * @param seconds The unit time of restriction
    void init(Integer limit, Integer seconds);

     * init *
     * @param capacity The capacity of the limit (the number of times to limit)
     * @param fillRate The rate of addition
    void init(int capacity, double fillRate);

     * Remove the last operation record
    void removeFirst();

     * The number of requests that can still be made
    int size();

     * The number of recorded requested operations
    int optSize();

     * The maximum number of requests
    int maxOptSize();

     * Update synchronization information
    void sync();

     * Get synchronization lock
    Object getSyncMutex();

After implementing the interface, you can specify it globally through configuration: simple-auth.func.limit-plan={full-qualified class name}, or you can add it to specific Controllers using annotations.